Lawsuit loans, also referred to in term as lawsuit funding, is the process of a firm providing a given plaintiff an advance amount of an anticipated settlement for a lawsuit. Additional references that lawsuit loans often go by, are pre-settlement loans, pre-settlement funding, legal funding, or lawsuit cash advances. It is common practice for individuals or even companies to require lawsuit funding or lawsuit loans to take on both large or small cases. Legal funding is not like any other loan that is common in the bank or funding world. It does not require collateral, so your home, car, boat, etc. do not need to be put forward to receive such funding. Also, in most cases, the lawsuit loan is only paid back if the trial or settlement ends in success. Then the pre-settlement funds are re-paid, often atop a fee for loan. A lawsuit can take anywhere from months to years for a settlement to occur. If a victim is injured from the claim, they may already have large sums of costs in medical damages, and unpaid time away from work. Most times, lawsuits can also require a great deal of upfront funding to pay for attorney costs, documentation, and additional childcare services. A lawsuit loan can give a plaintiff a lift from the financial burdens an injury, a claim and all of its existing upfront repercussions. In having the money necessary to file the necessary claim, it often gives a victim the chance to get financial and emotional grievances due. In cases where plaintiffs may not opt to accept a lawsuit loan, they may have to settle for a far lesser value than was owed to them, leaving them in debt, and in settlement for a low and unfair amount. There are a few common steps to apply for lawsuit funding, or pre-settlement funding. There is often an application that needs to be completed before anything. This application will ask for not only your contact information, but also a full description of the case. This can sometimes be handled over the phone, if you choose to speak to a legal funding company. It is truly dependent on the company itself. The company often also asks for a release document, and possibly another signed document or two. The entire process can take between twenty-four and forty-eight hours, dependent on the company. After all documentation and application forms, etc. have been received, the funding company will take time to review them. Within a short amount of time the lawsuit funding company will bring forth an offer for the victim, as to how much they will fund, as well as how much the fee will cost when the suit is settled. Each victim has particular needs regarding funds and their suit. A legal funding company can determine what amounts are necessary for each case. Lawsuit funding as a process is actually quite simple, and can back your suit so you are able to fight for the settlements you deserve. Steven Medvin is the Executive Director of SMP Advance Funding, LLC, which provides lawsuit funding to individuals who need a lawsuit loan for pending lawsuits. For more information please visit:
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